Sunday, October 13, 2013

How to install .apk files on Android Emulator

How to install .apk files on Android Emulator

Its handy to test android applications on emulator included in SDK for testing purpose or if you don’t have an actual device.
Remember you don’t have to be a developer to do this and you don’t even require any IDE like eclipse or any other for this task.
Now i will elaborate the way to do this.
SDK Installation
  1. Download and install Android SDK from
  2. Include  path of /tools folder in SDK installation folder in My Computer > right click > Advanced Tab > Environmental Variables button > System Variables > Path variable
Now the SDK is installed, we have to run emulator and install the application.  For running the emulator
Run Emulator
There are two separate ways to do this for two different versions of SDK i cam across 1.0 R2 and 1.5 R1.
1.0 R2
Go to /tools folder and just execute emulator.exe file.
1.5 R1
In this version another good feature is added to android emulator, different Android Virtual Device and Targets.
I will not go in details of  AVD and Targets in this post.
To run emulator you have to specify a avd, and to create a avd to have to specify a target, lets first check what are targets.
  1. Go to command line interface by typing “cmd” in run and click OK.
  2. Go to location of android SDK installation folder and further in /tools folder.
  3. View the list of available Targets by typing “android list targets”, press return.
  4. Now to create an AVD type “android create avd -n myavd -t 2″ press return, where -n is switch to specify avd name and -t to specify target. Specify integer number of any target from list of available targets.
  5. Now view the list of AVD’s and locate our newly created “myavd” in list by typing “android list avd”, press return.
  6. Finally type “emulator -avd myavd” and press return to run the emulator.
Install .apk files
Now finally to install android application .apk files, download and place .apk file in /tools folder and type “adb install my_android_app.apk”, press return.

Now you can probably see newly installed applicatin in menu.